Monday, August 5, 2013

Mom's Weekend Away

I made the mistake of going to the Oregon Jamboree this past weekend and not taking my camera.  I'm not going to lie, it's probably a good thing I didn't have it with me Friday or Saturday, as I'm sure I would have lost it, but as we sat a mere thirty rows back from Luke Bryan on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, I was so sad to not have it along with my zoom lens.  Let me tell you, the weather wasn't the only HOT thing that afternoon!  I had my trusty iPhone with me, but it's just not the same! 

I'm definitely not a fan of skinny jeans, especially on guys, but WOW!

If you aren't familiar with the Oregon Jamboree, it's an amazing three day weekend full of great country music in Sweet Home.  This was my first year going, but it definitely won't be my last.  While there are some things I might have done a little different (like actually sit in the seats we paid for, for more than two shows), there's not a moment I'd give up to do it differently.  I met some great people that I can now call new friends, listened to some incredible music and came home with a great tan (for the most part).

This was my first time ever leaving my babies for more than a quick run into town to the farmers market or grocery store and I handled it pretty well, but when Jamie mentioned we could head home a night early, there was no complaint from this mama!  We broke down camp before hitting the final show of the weekend (The above mentioned Luke Bryan) and high tailed it home to surprise my hubby.  I held no expectations of what shape the house was going to be in given this was his first time experiencing the role of "Stay at Home Dad", but I should have known he was going to deliver and in a big way.  Not only were the babies tucked in but the house was clean and the laundry and dishes were all done.  

Now I've said it before, but my goodness, I am a lucky girl.  I don't know many husbands that would insist on their wife taking off for a girls weekend of camping, beer and country music, let alone stay home with their three month old twins in the process but that's exactly what Jake did and it's just another one of the many, many reasons I love him and am so incredibly thankful for him and the love that we have for each other.  Everyone should be able to experience true happiness and the unconditional love of a significant other.  I could go on and on all day about what an amazing man, husband and father he is but I'll spare you the mushy stuff.

In short, this past weekend was an epic adventure and I can't wait to do it again next year, but I was so ready to come home to Jake and my little pumpkins.  For now, it's time to let my liver recover, the few sun burnt spots mellow out and get back on track with eating properly (as I just took fresh, from scratch brownies out of the oven, shhhh... don't tell. I swear they are a thank you for Jake).

A big thank you also goes out to my best friend, Nicole, for watching these
 two on Friday while Jake was at work. I was able to leave town
knowing they were in amazing hands.

Happy Monday everyone! Hope ya'll have a great week!

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