Saturday, March 31, 2012

Letting Go...

There comes a time in all of our lives that we have to let go and say good bye to someone.  Sometimes it's a decision we make, other times it may be God who decides.  In the past I found myself searching for the reason behind these goodbyes, after all they (whoever "they" may be) say everything happens for a reason, right?  It wasn't until recently that I discovered letting go is often one of the hardest battles you will fight within your own self.  I started allowing other people's opinions of me, change who I am.  I was turning into a person, that not only did I not know, but I didn't like!  When I came to that realization, I knew it was time to let go. 

Maya Angelou once said, "If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?".  How incredibly true is this!  I've often found myself thinking I wasn't good enough, wasn't pretty enough, wasn't thin enough, etc.  It's negative self talk like this, that allowed me to fall into a downward spiral.  It wasn't until a friend of mine told me that I allowed one person to effect me "way too much" that I realized I wasn't being good to myself.  I was selling myself short.  For too long I have cared about what everyone else wanted, what everyone else thought about me and what more could I do to make everyone else happy.  I was putting my own happiness aside in an attempt to please those around me. 

Letting go of the past and moving forward with my head held high, I'm writing my story from here on out for me.  I'm excited to see where my future will take me.  I'm hopeful that as I learn to let go of the things I cannot change that I will be blessed with many years of happiness, health and love.  As I close this chapter in my life, I think it's important to know that just because it's been closed, doesn't mean it hasn't affected my life and helped to shape me into who I am.  Here's to the future!

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