Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Life Comes at You Fast

My life has started to feel like one of those "Life Comes at You Fast" insurance commercials.  It feels like it was just yesterday that we were getting in the car to head to the hospital.  In their first five months of life, they've already been to California four (or is it five) times and on their first camping trip. Luke has two teeth and Peyton has her first cold.  They now interact with each other, laughing, giggling, eye gouging and hair pulling.  I can only imagine the mischief they'll be getting into before I know it.

The other night as Jake was holding both of them, Lukas proceeded to grab two handfuls of his sisters hair and would not let go.  I couldn't help but to think back to last week as she tried to take his eye out with her little tiny fingers while they were playing in their pack-n-play and wonder if he was looking for paybacks. 

We took them to the beach for the first time last week while we were camping.  It was a bit windy, but it was a beautiful sunset and the highlight of my week.  I've decided vacations with babies, are not so much fun (yet).  With Luke teething and being away from our routine, it was a very long week.  I'm sure the massive storm that rolled in the day we got there didn't help set the tone for the week.  We usually come home with a mountain of crab and a couple of salmon, this year we came home empty handed.  

 Moments like these were worth the trip though.

This is his "mean muggin'" face

This is her "Yes I know I'm cute" face

"Mom, it's a little windy out here"

I've had a few rough mornings lately.  I've been feeling like I've lost the person I was and am not sure how to move forward to find my purpose in life.  I know these two are my main purpose but I've been feeling guilty for not contributing financially to our household.  I suppose I just need to remember this is God's greatest gift and I need to embrace life as a stay at home mom.  I'm sure if I was working 40 hours a week, I'd be feeling guilty about not being home with my babies, so this is definitely the better side of the coin!

This is one of my favorite spots on the coast.  The Coquille River Lighthouse.

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