Tuesday, July 16, 2013


You would think being a first time mom with twins would make life a whole lot more chaotic and crazy, but for some reason I find my life more peaceful now.  I'm really not sure why this is.  Perhaps it's the fact that I now have much different priorities.  I don't think much about pleasing people outside of my own family anymore.  I spent so much time in the past trying to make sure everyone liked me, but really that is the last thing on my mind anymore.  I am so incredibly content sitting in my recliner, watching my precious angels swing peacefully while listening to (I can't believe I'm about to admit this) the "Beautiful Instrumentals" channel on my TV.  Dinner is already prepared and just waiting to go in the oven, there's fresh baked cookies waiting for Jake to walk through the door and while the laundry may not all be done, I feel as if today was another victory in my new life as a "Stay At Home Mom and Housewife."

I find comfort in knowing that through thick or thin (literally) my husband is wild about me and insanely devoted to our family.  Watching him hurt just as bad as I did yesterday while seeing our babies miserable during and after their first set of shots, made me fall even deeper in love with him.  There are multiple times throughout the day that I find myself just staring at one of twins and wonder how in the world did we create such amazing, gorgeous and perfect little creatures.  They truly are a dream come true and a prayer I really was beginning to think was never going to be answered.  Even after having a very rough afternoon after their shots, Lukas woke up from a five hour nap and smiled, cooed and chuckled for over an hour.  It's those moments that I look forward to every day when I wake up in the morning.  Now don't get me wrong, there are also times throughout the day that I think to myself that I can't handle it, but we've made it 10 weeks so far and at this point, I think I'm doing a pretty damn good job!

At this moment in time, I can honestly say that other than desperately wanting to move closer to home, my life is everything I could ask for!

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