Thursday, August 1, 2013

Finding the Time

Trying to find the time to work on "projects" is seemingly impossible these days!  There's all these wonderful things that I want to do and I swear as soon as I pull out all my scrap-booking stuff or get all the gardening tools out, the babies wake up.  Although I can't seem to find the time to work on these things, I am wanting to add more things to that list of things to do.  After losing my grandfather a couple weeks ago, I was reminded that I need to not only break the camera out more often, but I also want to dive into some of the history of our family through food.  How fun would it be to create a family cookbook, complete with photos of the prep and finished products.  Years ago I took some of these recipes and just printed them out on computer paper and threw them into a binder.  I now want to take it a step further with more detail, organization and photos.  I want something that I can break out and share with Peyton and Lukas as they are growing up and helping me in the kitchen.

It amazes me that they are already 9 weeks old! They are definitely developing personalities and are beginning to be awake and more alert during the day (hence the lack of time to work on anything). They now smile at us and Lukas has even chuckled at his Meema (my mom). 

We spent four days back in California with my family for my grandpa's funeral.  I stood at the sink in my dads kitchen on a sunny Saturday afternoon and couldn't help but smile.  I watched my mom & step dad laughing with my brother and his girlfriend, my dad snuggling two of his grand babies and my grandma cuddling with Lukas.  It made me want to move home more than ever.  I want my kids to grow up with their cousins like I did.  I know realistically it's not really an option, but perhaps being a 5 hour drive instead of a 10 hour drive is in the future.  For the time being though, I am so thankful for FaceTime!  It allows us to feel like we aren't as far away as we really are.

Here is a picture of my nephew Tosh with the twins!

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