Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Almost Go Time!

I should probably be asleep right now, but that is the last thing on my mind!  After waiting for what seems like an eternity (almost 13 years to be exact), my greatest dream is a short 13 hours away.  Those of you that have known me for a while know that I have always wanted to be a mom.  I have always felt like I was destined to be a soccer (ok more like volleyball or basketball) mom.  After years of frustrations, tears and let down it is finally about to happen.  I feel like it was just yesterday that we found out that we were expecting not only one but two miracles! 

So here we are, 38 weeks pregnant with our twins! I have been so fortunate to have a very smooth pregnancy.  I never suffered from morning sickness or super crazy cravings, I dodged the gestational diabetes bullet and my blood pressure has been consistently "perfect".  I'm even shocked at the fact that I weigh less tonight then the day I got married (true story!).  I've wondered time and time again what these little angels are going to look like.  Will Peyton have the gorgeous deep auburn hair that the sun picks up in her daddy's goatee?  Will Lukas have mommy's blue eyes or nose?  These are questions that time will answer, but I do know they are going to be perfect and laying in my arms tomorrow!

I think the thing I am most excited about is watching the man that I am so insanely in love with become a daddy for the first time!  Jake is an incredibly patient, kind and loving man.  Sure, he's never changed a diaper in his life, but if he can cling to a power pole in 80 mph wind, he can surely tackle a dirty diaper.  I told him the other day that I needed to get him a birthday present before we go to the hospital, he looked at me, rubbed my belly and told me I was already giving him the best birthday present he could have ever dreamed of.

I hope this is making sense as I've been awake since 5:00am and it is now 11:15pm and my mind is racing a mile a minute.  Do I have everything I need in my hospital bag? Do I have too much in my hospital bag? Do we have everything we need for the twins when we bring them home?  I guess at this point, if we don't, we'll figure it out as we go! After all, there are no user's manuals handed out when you leave the hospital!

Stay tuned and when I am feeling up to it, I will post an update! Thank you everyone for all your love, support and prayers!

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